How to Configure a Spa facility

Modified on Tue, 20 Dec, 2022 at 2:05 PM

To create a Spa facility you need to know how to;

  • Create the passwords.
  • Create the facility details.
  • Create the treatment groups, 
  • Create treatments and connect them to the Spa diary.
  • Add the equipment
  • Add treatments to the outlet.
  • Create the therapists and Rotas.
  • Create the therapy rooms.

Create the passwords

First, you need to create your password for the configuration part of your Spa. Navigate to Configuration>Access and the security tab, in the right-hand window by right-clicking and adding an entry choose your facility from the drop-down box and free type your password. Press save.


NOTE: if you do not have access to this section for HART please contact your manager or HART champion

Create the facility details

Navigate to Configuration > Facilities tick Spa and fitness and enter the password you have just created for this facility and the below window appears

 In the top window right click and add an entry, this window appears, free type the facility name and continue to fill in all the relevant details

  • Type: choose Spa from the drop-down box
  • Unit: choose a unit if applicable from the drop-down box
  • Email: free type the email that you wish the confirmations to appear from and replied to 
  • Order: free type the order that you wish the facility to appear when accessing from Reservation > Facility
  • Active: tick this box to make the facility active
  • Passwords; 

                           Diary: free type a password to access the Spa diary from Reservations > Facility

                           Rota: free type a password to access the rota

                           Flex: free type a password to allow you to change the length of time that treatment takes which differs from what has been configured when in the Spa diary.

  • ID: this will automatically populate when you press save
  • Order: choose the order for the diary layout from the drop-down box, we recommend this is set to Therapist
  • Flex: tick this box if you wish to enable Flexible treatment times.
NOTE: if you enable the flex time you must set a password in the Flex column
  • Slots: choose from the drop-down the time slots you wish the diary to be in
  • Orphan: This section allows you to set the amount of days treatment can be booked prior to the guests arriving without assigning a therapist. 
  • Lead: free type the lead time that you wish guests to be able to book treatments, for use with the HART WBE
  • Max: free type the max number of treatments you wish to display at any one time on the HART WBE
  • Span: shows the maximum of days in advance a booking for use with HART WBE 0 would mean there are no restrictions. 
  • Interval: choose from the drop-down the time slots you wish the rota to be in
  • Max Pax / Group: free type the max number of guests in a group that can book a Spa day for use with the HART WBE 
  • Max Concurrent: free type the Max number of concurrent treatments that can be booked in the same Spa day group
  • Times button: press this button to create the time slots for your diary. Which will then display under the times' tab 
  • Rotas button: press this button to create the rota. Please see our article below on how to create Rotas.

Configuring your start and end times.

Under the operation tab by right-clicking and adding an entry add in the operation times.

Create the treatment groups.

Navigate to Configuration > Services > Spa and the group tabs, by right-clicking and adding an entry you can create treatment groups that have a colour allocated,  so you can see at a glance the mix of business in the Spa diary. There is also the option of setting a max amount per day for groups of treatments. 

  • Group: free type the name of the group
  • Colour: double click in this field to choose your colour
  • Max/Day: free type a number if you wish to set a maximum group limit per day
  • Max Unit: choose from the drop-down if this is set by treatment or hours per day

Press save.

NOTE: the services will be pre-populated in the service window once you have added the group to the treatment.

Creating the treatment.

Navigate to the service tab and by right-clicking and adding an entry fill in all the relevant details.

  • Service: free type the treatment name.
  • Short: this will automatically populate when you press save
  • Revenue: choose the revenue stream you need the treatment to go to
  • Price: free type the price which you wish to pull through to the treatment when booking
  • Group: choose the group that the treatment belongs to if applicable
  • Diary: choose from the drop-down box

                               Diary: choose this for a treatment that needs to show in the Spa diary when booking

                               No Diary: choose this for a service that does not  need to be in the Spa diary when booking

                               Scheduler: choose this for a service that is included in a Spa day package and needs scheduling in a                                                             restaurant such as a Spa lunch 

  • Level: currently being redeveloped

NOTE: levels are set under Configuration > Facilities > Spa and the level tab 

  • WBE:  For use with the HART WBE engine only, choose from the drop-down if this service is for tables, tee times or a treatment. This can be left blank if you are not using the HART WBE
  • Web Publish: tick this box if you wish to publish this treatment to the HART WBE. This can be left blank if you are not using the HART WBE 

NOTE: please see our HART WBE manual if wishing to set the treatments up on HART WBE as well as available for manual bookings


  • Points: free type a number if you wish to allocate points to treatments. This can be viewed by going to Reports> Spa > Facilities analysis and therapist
  • Order: free type the number order you wish the treatment to show in the drop-down box when booking a treatment.
  • Time, Block in diary: free type the time that you need the treatment to be blocked out in the diary for.
  • Actual duration: free type the actual duration of the treatment
  • Include in Morning briefing: tick here if you wish the treatment to show in the morning briefing report
  • ID: this will auto-populate once you press save
  • Therapist: under development
  • People: free type here the number of guests that you can add to a treatment, under development
  • Health and safety: free type the number of health and safety mins the treatment takes. This is to be used in conjunction with the therapist configuration.

NOTE: In the service window if you right-click and press find you will see a list of all current treatments. double-clicking on the treatment name will bring up the treatment.

Adding your treatment to the facilities.

Next, navigate to Configuration > Facilities > Spa, select your facilities in the top window and under the service tab right-click add an entry and choose the treatment that you have just created from the drop-down box.

  • Max/day: free type if you wish this treatment to be restricted to a Max per day
  • From: choose the times from the drop-down box that this treatment is available from
  • To: choose the times from the drop-down box that this treatment is available from 
  • Class: this is for use with classes
  • Limit: this is for use with classes

Adding equipment 

If required you can link treatments to equipment that they use. To add the equipment navigate to Configuration > Facilities> Spa > Equipment

Once you have added the equipment navigate back to the services tab, highlight the treatment you wish to link the equipment to and choose the equipment from the drop-down box.

Creating a stop-sale for a treatment

If you wish to set a block for a certain time period for a certain treatment, with the treatment highlighted right click add an entry and add your block in the block window.

NOTE: remember to navigate to the personnel tab and ensure the new treatment is allocated to the therapist(s) who can do this new treatment

Adding your treatment  to the POS 

Navigate to Material >items and search for the treatment that you added as a service by using the search function. 

Ensure that the Active box is ticked and chosen from the drop-down box;

  • Type: Choose service
  • Category: choose the correct category according to your organisation
  • Service: ensure the treatment appears in the service field

Navigate to the POS tab and by right-clicking and adding an entry fill in the relevant detail accordingly

Create the therapists and create the Rotas

To add a personnel

Navigate to  Configurations>Facilities > Spa and Fitness and then the Personnel tab, and this window will appear.


Righ-click to add a new entry.

  • Active column: tick here to make the therapist/instructor active
  • Colour: add a colour for the therapist/instructor
  • First name: free-type the therapist/ instructor name
  • Diary Name: free-type the name you wish to be displayed on the diary
  • Surname: free-type the surname. This is for information purposes only
  • Shift column: free type the number of hours in a shift
  • Rota column: free type a number for the master rota template in weeks for example, if you have a 2-week rota put a 2 in here
  • Email: free type an email if applicable. This is for information purposes only


Press save or F3

Ensure that the therapist/instructor is connected to the facility where you need them displayed on the rota. To do this right-click, add an entry in the bottom left-hand window, and choose the facility from the drop-down box.

  • Selector: there are three choices to choose from the drop-down box; 
  • All services: choose this if your therapist /instructor can do all services as above.
  • Except: choose all services, and from the drop-down box choose which service(s) are exempt. The example below shows that the therapist can do all services except an Express Manicure or Express Pedicure

  • Only: choose only on its own if the therapist/ instructor can only do certain treatments. The example below shows the therapist can only carry out Express Manicures and Express Pedicures.

Creating Manual Blocks 

If you wish to add blocks to your rota,  for example, lunches, navigate to the Blocks tab.

On the left-hand side, right-click and add an entry.

  • Code: free type a code.
  • Description: free type a description.
  • Preserve: tick here if you wish the block to be preserved/retained when changing a rota.
  • Productivity: tick here if the block needs to be excluded from productivity calculations.

These blocks will appear in the diary when you go to Diary > Add > Blocks under the reason field when adding block manually from the diary screen.

Creating blocks for use in the Master template rota

On the right-hand side of the block, screen right-click and add an entry by free typing in the block template.

NOTE: This description will show in the drop-down box on the Master template rota.

If you wish the particular block to extend to all day you choose from the drop-down a single shift block, for example, it may be all-day training, if this is to be a certain amount of time.

 Then by highlighting the block template add in the times for the block in the bottom window

There are three options to enable you to create rotas.


Option One

Using a master template, which can be copied over to a chosen period. If you have rolling rotas this option allows you to copy the weeks altogether over a certain period.

Option two  

Using a weekly template, this option allows you to set up a template per week.

Option three

Adding ad hoc days and hours allows you to add to a rota per day per personnel.


Option One Creating a Master Rota template

Go to Configuration > facilities and choose your facility. With the facility in the top window press the rota button on the top right, add in the rota password and the below window appears.

On the left, you can see your personnel names, the shifts, and the rota weeks as set up under the personnel tab in the configuration.

For example, Therapist 2 has a 4-hour shift and a 2-week rota, which is also reflected in buttons 1 and 2 under the Week section on the right-hand side.


NOTE: The system automatically adds on 30 mins to the shift hours.


To create your template, highlight the personnel that you wish to create a rota for, and by ticking the boxes against each time and day in the middle window add in your start times. You will see that the system will automatically add in the end times plus 30 mins according to the shift hours that have been set up.

In the example above, Therapist 2 is working 13.00 till 17.30,  4 hours as determined in the shift column plus 30 mins.

Press the save button on the right-hand side.


If you have more than a one-week rota, click on the next week(s) button on the right-hand side to add the shifts. In this example, you would then click on the red 2 button under the week section and add the week 2 rota. Press the save button once completed.


The master rota will then appear on the right-hand side in the Master Rota Recap window.

Adding blocks

To add blocks to the master rota template at the bottom of the template you will see this grid.

Using the drop-down box choose the block you wish to add.



Remember to do this for each week if applicable as this will then be copied onto your rotas.

You have now created the Master template. Next, you need to create the rota.


To Create your Rota using Master Rota.


In the rota window highlight the therapist and click the copy button, this will bring up the Copy Rota window. 

Put in your start date and how many times you wish to copy the rota in the time's field. Next click in the leading to field to get the end date. 


NOTE:  The start date is always a Monday regardless of what day the master rota starts.

 The below example is copying a two-week rota once so the leading to date is in 2 weeks’ time.

Press the check button and the system will tell you if there are any existing rotas already set up, which will appear in the existing Rota window along with the new rota in the new Rota window.

NOTE: Always check that you have no appointments for the therapist if you are overwriting a rota


If you are happy with the rota that is under the new rota window press save. then press the exit button.


Repeat these steps for all the personnel.



Option two

Creating a weekly rota.

In the rota window press the week tab, select your date from the drop-down field on the right-hand side then add your times and days in the template grid.

Press the save button.

Your rota will be created for the week you have added in in the date field, again this must be a Monday regardless of when the rota starts. 


Option three

Adding ad hoc days 

In the rota window once again, highlight your therapist and click the rota tab


Click the add button and you can add bespoke dates and times. Pressing the delete button will delete the highlighted date and time or tick the select box.



You will notice you can also add blocks here under the Blocks window on the right-hand side.



Using the Replicate button 

The Replicate button is used if you wish to replicate a therapist master rota to another therapist.

To do this once in the rota window, select your therapist and the week that you wish to replicate and press the replicate button. Double click the therapist you wish to replicate to and press yes if you wish to proceed.



Double click




NOTE: You must ensure that the therapist that you are copying to has the same number of weeks if you wish to copy a week 2.


Transferring arrangements from one therapist to another. CURRENTLY UNDER REDEVELOPMENT 


Highlight the therapist that is leaving and click on the week tab on the right-hand side.

Here you will see a leave button, click on this button and this window appears, add in the date the therapist is leaving and who you wish to transfer the arrangements to.

Creating the therapy rooms 

Navigate to the Rooms tab and by right-clicking and adding an entry, add the order you wish the rooms to appear in. free type the room(s) name(s) and tick the active box to make the rooms active.

Next link the room(s) to your facility in the bottom window by right-clicking and adding an entry and choose the facility and service/treatment that you are offering in the room.

  • Selector: choose here from the drop-down box either;

                             All services: meaning this room can accommodate all treatments

                             Except: add a new entry if you have  treatments expectations for the room

                             Only: choose only if you have certain treatments allowed in the room.

Note: you can choose all service and except but not all services and only 

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